An accurate and easy-to-use sales forecasting template and guide for Google Sheets. “As the new year started a lot of analysts and marketers are probably asked to participate in the creation of a marketing plan for the upcoming year. Part of that is usually to estimate sales, revenue, conversion numbers or something similar in order to secure budgets, allocate marketing efforts, prioritize roadmaps and more.” This guide explains the Ratio to Moving Average Forecasting Method in Google Sheets to predict such numbers. It also includes a template in which you can plug in revenue and conversions from the last two years in order to quickly create a forecast!

An accurate and easy-to-use sales forecasting template and guide for Google Sheets.

“As the new year started a lot of analysts and marketers are probably asked to participate in the creation of a marketing plan for the upcoming year. Part of that is usually to estimate sales, revenue, conversion numbers or something similar in order to secure budgets, allocate marketing efforts, prioritize roadmaps and more.”

This guide explains the Ratio to Moving Average Forecasting Method in Google Sheets to predict such numbers. It also includes a template in which you can plug in revenue and conversions from the last two years in order to quickly create a forecast!

A Sales Forecast Template for Google Sheets |

With the new year ahead many marketers and analysts will be tasked with creating a marketing plan for the year. Imagine you are one of those and are asked to present the plan next week. Sooner or later during the preparation you will have to address one major pain point usually every analyst or data

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